Queen posting dates update

If you ordered your queen(s) before Christmas I should have some ready within the next couple of weeks. No need to email me as I will contact you directly about a suitable posting date. If you ordered early this year keep checking back here for any posting date updates. Weather has not been great for queen mating this past couple of weeks but hopefully things will improve.

About Jonathan Getty

Jonathan Getty is a former chair of Belfast & District branch of the Ulster Beekeepers Association which has over 250 members and is a current committee member. He is at least a fourth generation beekeeper in the Getty family. His main beekeeping interest is queen rearing based on our native bee Apis mellifera mellifera. He started up the Belfast Minnowburn queenrearing group in 2012 and is currently involved with a new queenrearing group in Co. Tyrone which started up in 2020. He manages over 100 colonies of his own spread over about a dozen apiary sites in NI. He also rears between 400-500 queens per season using 200 Apideas. Jonathan holds a BSc Hons in Psychology from Queens University Belfast and gained a postgraduate teaching qualification at Stranmillis Training College. He is a fluent Spanish speaker.
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25 Responses to Queen posting dates update

  1. Charles Jenkins says:


    I currently have 2x Queens on order with you. Do you have the capacity to supply an additional two mated Queens?

    I have just been requested by the Devizes Town Council to put two new hives into a garden project that they are developing in the town and I was hoping to establish two additional “native” bee colonies for the job.

  2. Charles Jenkins says:

    I have just put order in for additional two Queens, on understanding that they will not be arriving until July.

    Thank you very much indeed for your help and advice on this matter.



  3. Rod Clark says:


    Sorry to be a nuisance, but my PC has crashed and I have no record of whether or not I ordered a queen from you this year. Could you possibly check your records for me. If I haven’t would I still be able to order one?


  4. Rob Laing says:

    I have ordered 2 queens from you again, last bought from you 2 years ago. Very pleased with queens and exactly the characteristics you described. When you have them ready , a few days notice would help me be prepared. Regards, Rob

  5. Gregg Palmer says:

    Hi Jonathan
    I have a question please if I may about the 2 x queens that I have on order, will the queens supplied be from different breeding lines, i.e. not sisters?
    Many thanks and kind regards

  6. Peter Rogers says:

    Hi Jonathan , could you also send me two unrelated queens please, as soon as you are able ?

  7. Peter Rogers says:

    Sorry – Greg …

    I’ve just paid for the two queens, but wanted to add clipping but couldn’t for some reason . I’ll do that separately, which would be grateful if you could unite these two [payment to this order and confirm a delivery date.

    Many thanks !


  8. Stephen Hasker says:

    Hello Jonathan,
    I ordered and paid for a Queen 9th July.
    Can you give me some idea when I am likely to receive it.
    Just so that I can plan ahead.
    Many thanks

  9. Stephen Hasker says:

    Arrived safely. Thank you Jonathan. She looks a really nice Queen.

  10. Stephen Hasker says:

    I checked the hive today to see if the Queen I introduced last week had been accepted.
    I am glad that I did, as she was still in the introduction cage.
    The bees had been unable to eat through the candy due to a dead bee being caught in the entrance.
    The colony appeared calm and I was able to open the cage and watch the Queen walk out onto the frame without problem.

  11. John says:

    Will you have any queens available this year (2020)?

  12. AJLR says:

    Hello Jonathan
    I’ve just put an order in, for one Q. If she could be of the same line as the red-marked Q I had from you two years ago, that would be great. That family seem to do really well round here.

    Best wishes


  13. Thomas Clancy says:

    Hi Jonathan I’ve mislaid your email.

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