The first batch of grafted queens emerged in the incubator this morning.

Hopefully these will mate soon and be ready to go by the middle of June. I will be posting them out in the order they were paid for. I’ll e-mail first to arrange a suitable posting date.
About Jonathan Getty
Jonathan Getty is a member of the Belfast & District branch of the Ulster Beekeepers Association and is at least a fourth generation beekeeper in the Getty family. His main beekeeping interest is queen rearing based on our native bee Apis mellifera mellifera. He started up the Belfast Minnowburn queenrearing group several years ago and it now has about 50 active members. He also manages about 30-40 colonies of his own.
Jonathan holds a BSc Hons in Psychology from Queens University Belfast and gained a postgraduate teaching qualification at Stranmillis Training College. He is a fluent Spanish speaker.